Join Boston Roller Derby
Skate, Officiate, or Volunteer
Roller derby is a unique sport that requires athleticism, strategy, and strength. But it’s so much more than just a really cool game on roller skates. We’re dedicated to building ourselves up, both on and off the track, and we do so by creating a culture that promotes community and that welcomes diverse identities and backgrounds. The best part about roller derby is that you don’t have to skate in order to be a part of BRD; you can volunteer at one of our games or events, or work as a Skating or Non-Skating Official on our officiating crew.
Update About New Skater Intake
Due to membership capacity and scheduling constraints, we cannot intake new competitive skaters and host skater recruitment events for the foreseeable future. We do not make this decision lightly, and we understand the frustration this may cause.
We have many alternative avenues to league membership if you are still interested in joining BRD outside of competitive skater membership. We are always accepting interest for on-skates and off-skates officials, photographers, volunteers, coaches, announcers, and bench staff, to name a few. To find out more about how to get involved with officiating or volunteering, please click the links below to email our liaisons for those departments.
Boston Roller Derby is just one of many excellent leagues in New England for more information about neighboring leagues, head to this page