Lobstah Roll

More lobstah more roll
Lobstah Roll returns May 30, 2025! Set at Allied Veterans Memorial Rink, we are hosting our signature tournament.
This year’s tournament will consist of 12 sanctioned single tracked games total consisting of A & B teams, over the course of three days.
Participating Leagues
- Boston Roller Derby
- Boston A Team
- Boston B Team
- Detroit Roller Derby
- Detroit Roller Derby Stars A
- Detroit Roller Derby Stars B
- Gotham Roller Derby
- Gotham Roller Derby All Stars (A Team)
- Gotham Roller Derby B Team
- Windy City Rollers
- Windy City Rollers All Stars (A Team)
- Windy Coty Rollers Second Wind (B Team)
Stay tuned for more details.
Meet the tournament heads
Chem (Head Official)
Darth Bling (Head Official)
Dread Hochuli (Head Official)
Montana Maulher (Head Official)
Ruth Banshee Ginsburg (Head Announcer)
Carter (Games Tournament Oversight)

Crew Head NSO: TBA
Head of Stats: TBA
Join the Crew
We need you! Without you, Lobstah Roll can’t happen. There are so many opportunities to help us run!
Calling all officials! The aim for this event is to staff 2 non-skating crews (of 10-11), 2 skating crews (of 8), and a stats crew. If this interests you, fill out an application here. Need more information? Email the THOs at LobstahRoll.THO@BostonDerby.com.
Come hang with Boston Roller Derby as we host Lobstah Roll again! We’re seeking skilled announcers for house, broadcast, and production roles. The application deadline is set for 3/15/2025, submit applications here.
Looking to help out beyond officiating and announcing? You’re in luck, we’re always looking for volunteers. Contact LobstahRoll@BostonDerby.com with the subject line “Volunteering” for more information.